Spa resort treatment of ENT disorders in children
ENT diseases include a wide group of pathologies covering hundreds of conditions. Most frequently, children suffer from sinusitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, adenoids, mastoiditis and otitis. These diseases as well as some other ear, throat and nose conditions, often progress with an acute pain syndrome, and, providing there is no proper treatment, can lead to rather serious health issues.
Our offers
A multi-specialized spa resort “Mashuk Aqua-Therm”, providing treatment for a whole range of internal diseases, offers its clients a year-round treatment and health improvement of children suffering from ENT diseases. We invite small patients to take a health improvement course together with their parents.
Indications for taking a spa resort treatment of ENT diseases in children:
- otitis;
- sinusitis;
- catarrhus of the middle ear and the auditory tube;
- pharyngitis;
- cochlear neuritis;
- tonsillitis;
- adenoids;
- frontal sinusitis, etc.
Treatment and health-promoting procedures are prescribed to patients having a chronic disease in remission and for disease prevention.
Spa resort treatment of ENT diseases in children is performed under a specially developed programme including inhalations, douche and taking mineral waters, breathing exercises, physiotherapy and other procedures.
Further information on the possibility of treatment in one of the most famous Russian spa resort you can learn calling the number specified in the Contacts tab.